10 Tips for Thriving With Chronic Illness

10 Tips for Thriving With Chronic Illness

No matter the form, chronic illness completely changes our lives. With it comes a rush of overwhelming emotions; sadness, anger, depression, grief, fear.  Life roles can change quickly and drastically, affecting day to day life for family, friends, and coworkers. Work performance & earnings often suffer, treatments can cause debilitating side effects, and stress levels increase. The impacts are far and wide, but us humans are incredibly resilient. We learn, we adapt, we change, we cope, and we can thrive.

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What is the Autoimmune Protocol?

What is the Autoimmune Protocol?

The Autoimmune Protocol is an elimination and reintroduction diet that is used to help individuals with autoimmune disease identify food allergies and sensitivities to alleviate unwanted symptoms and pain. By using food as medicine, the autoimmune protocol works on reducing inflammation, restoring gut balance, and decreasing autoimmunity.

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